Thursday, February 24, 2011

mean girls

"Wow, good friend..." Her voice drips with sarcasm, hot molten lava burning and staining into my soul. She was my best friend in high school. Bitter and demeaning, her words killed me, bringing my epiphany; bullying exists. Bullying exists not only between conflicting social cliques, but between best friends. Still, I hold back tears, her words echo in my head. I always felt that I had wronged her. The shame she lead me to feel attacked me through each day. Each night, I suffered my physical encounters with bullying. I relived each assault.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My name is Adriana Lauren Maria Marita Dedood Kerssens Lapusniak. I am unlike the other college applicants. I have an array of qualities, qualities that were never supposed to be combined, but have been. Therefore, I am a miracle of sorts. My most outstanding achievements, and anyone will agree, are my comedic successes. Every five minutes, I have made another person laugh. It is an effortless talent of mine, I share my gift without even realizing half the time...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12 is my ocean. I'm no longer wading, as I was before, pacing back and forth in the shallow waters. I am gliding unhindered in it's depth. My eyes closed, I know there's other students swimming towards me. They're younger, and they are beginning their transition from wading, then kicking, and eventually, existing with the ocean as I am. I'm treading, but my legs do not sore. I am in a beautiful, happy place. My teachers are the vibrant and rejuvinating mist on my face. They are the electrifying blues fading to teal then never ending hues of green. My friends are the thrashing waves. Their passion, their successes, their beauty and flaws throw around me. Their beautiful, tireless, relentless energy embraces then drives me. This ocean, the harmony of teachers and friends alike, my absolute love for life, is nothing short of a euphoria. Grade 12 is my sea with waters of blue and green ecstasy.